How do I change header right side button text ‘try for free’ to contact us with link and How do I add social link in the header?

Jul 08, 2022 08:31 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Apr 2023
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I just purchased your theme from themeforest.

It's a Great theme! I have just a couple of questions: 1) How do I change header right side button text ‘try for free’ to contact us with link. 2) How do I add social link in the header?


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Kamrul Hasan
Jul 08, 2022

Hi David.

Thanks a lot for purchasing QuickSpace Theme and contacting us.

1) To change the header right side button text go to the Appearance=>Theme Options=>Header=> header right contact button.

For more details please check our theme documentation.

2) For adding Social Icon in the header go to Appearance=>Theme Options =>Header=> Top Header => Click Toggle to Enable Top Bar and there will see Social Icon options

Hopefully, it’ll work for you. and If you require further assistance, please let me know and I'd be happy to help.


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