How can I change the color of small moving circle on the demo Number 2?

Dec 08, 2022 08:16 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Apr 2023
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Hi, I just purchased your theme. How can I change the color of small moving circle on the demo Number 2? I saw they are on Hero but how can change their color?

Unfortunately, I can’t give access. I am a developer myself please tell me which file and how and I will do it myself.


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Kamrul Hasan
Dec 08, 2022

Hi, qorbani.

Thanks for using the QuickSpace Theme and contacting us.

ahh, that’s great. if you are a developer, you can change this circle box color easily with inspect elements.
we have made a video tutorial for you, an easy way to change the circle box color.

please follow the instructions in this video.

Hope it will work for you as well.  and If you require further assistance, please let me know and I'd be happy to help.


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